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dryer surface中文是什么意思

用"dryer surface"造句"dryer surface"怎么读"dryer surface" in a sentence


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  • When two dry surfaces are placed against each other they may lock together .
  • Tourists may see the buses and trains traveling on the dry surfaces of some of these lakes
  • This section is from thin skin , which has a dry surface covered with dead cells
    取材于体皮(薄皮) ,表面覆盖着角化的死细胞。
  • The surface temperature must be above the dew point . dry surface completely before application
  • The dried surface is resistant against wine , beer , cola drinks , coffee , tea , fruit juices , milk and water
  • Apply a thin coat evenly and thoroughly with stiff quality brush or cloth along wood grain on clean , dry surface
  • Press polishing not only possess the characteristic and advantages of polishing , but also can it change the dried surface into a smooth mirror
  • Otherwise , how will i know if my method works or not ? incredibly , just after he finished cultivating his land , rain came to his area . it was not very heavy , but the water managed to penetrate the topsoil , and held together the dry surface soil and the wet soil beneath
  • Heat fluxes estimated from radiative temperature by this model is more accurate than other regular corrective methods . two - layer model has been proposed for many years but was difficult to apply in remote sensing because component temperature were unavailable in traditional thermal sensors . a new airborne multi - angular thermal sensor system and retrieved soil and canopy temperatures were used to solve two - layer model , and the simulated heat fluxes show much better accuracy than the results from one - layer model especially above dry surfaces
    双层模型虽然提出很多年了,但在应用中一直存在信息不足,求解困难的问题,本文用最新多角度热红外遥感数据? ? ? amtis系统反演的组分温度,首次实现了双层模型在遥感中的应用,结果表明,在输入参数精度相近的情况下,双层模型模拟的通量误差远小于单层模型,尤其在土壤干旱,表面温度较高的地表,双层模型的理论优势在计算中表现得更加突出。
  • The nature conservancy of cement tile blank . after the surface coating production line in preheated purge bottom spray drying intermediate layer spray drying launched drying table a total of three cooling heating and drying surface , the second spraying process , weatherability cement tiles surface coating to achieve the best performance
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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